heavy duty polyester strap

There is now a heavy duty polyester strap.  The ASTM just approved 1 1/4″ x .050″ poly strapping!  The rail road AAR has also approved the new size!  There are not many manufacturers for the strapping, but it looks like Allstrap carries the new HD polyester strapping size.  They have a pneumatic strap tool to tension, weld, and cut.  There is also a new battery tool, the BXT2-32.


Expect to see the new heavy duty poly strapping on hard wood or export lumber.  It may also show up in the steel service industry, slit coil, blanks, and pipe.  This new heavy duty strapping is 25% stronger then 1″ x .050″ or 1 1/4″ x .040″ PET strapping!