Cord Strapping and Accessories

Cord Strapping and Accessories

Cord strapping operations require a wide range of accessories for completing the tasks efficiently. These accessories speed up the process of securing the strapping and making the operation easier. Some of the most important and essential cord strapping accessories required for securing your strapping are as following:

Strapping Dispenser

Strapping dispensers are available in both static and mobile versions. You can easily and quickly place the strap on the dispenser and it will make it convenient to access the strap. The best dispensers are lightweight, durable and ergonomically designed.

Pallet Needles

Cord strapping pallet needles speed up and make it easier to strap cargo on pallets. They make it easy to feed the strapping under pallet. Pallet needles are lightweight and easy to work with.

Pallet Threaders

You could use pallet threaders to work with matching size broom handle. You can easily thread the cord strapping upward through the first slot and down through the second. Choose a threader depending on the size of the strapping in use.

Cord Strapping Buckles

Strapping buckles are the ones that give strength and consistency to the joints. These buckles are available in designs that offer peak joint efficiency of up to 90%. They offer highly consistent closure technique and come with self locking mechanism. High quality steel wire buckles offer the highest level of strength and join reliability. They are available in a wide range of strengths and sizes.

Cord Strapping Cutter

Cord strapping cutters are required for use with strapping tensioners and sealers. The best cutters are designed for cutting all sizes of cord straps with utmost ease. They are designed for improving speed and efficiency. Efficient cutters can rotate to new sharp edge.

Edge Protection Accessories

Edge protection strapping accessories are designed for protecting shipped goods. The best edge protection accessories depend on various factors like application and kind of polyester strapping and the lash used. There are many advantages of using these accessories.

These cord strapping accessories help in protecting cargo and strapping against damage. They can be easily and quickly applied. Edge protection accessories are highly cost effective and save you big while keeping the cargo safe. They are available in a wide range of sizes, types and materials, ranging from plastic to cardboard.

All these accessories combine together to ensure that you get the best and most secure cord strapping results.