Fromm A483- The Best for High Tensile Strapping

Most industry users prefer to operate light weight tools. But Fromm’s A483 is a pneumatic steel strapping pusher tool that is pretty heavy. However, that’s why it is the best tool for stationary applications. However, it does seem popular in many industries and it has proven its worth under continuous working conditions.

The A483 is much heavier and larger than its counterpart the A482, though both are used in similar industries. The A483 is available in two models where its main application is with 1 ¼” wide steel straps. This tool is great for strapping steel coils, tubes and rods in all positions and it comes with four suspension brackets.


  • Uses Ultraflex, High tensile strapping
  • Uses 1.25” push seal
  • Weight: 18 kgs/39.7lbs
  • Automatic feed wheel
  • Useful for continuous loads

Though is a very useful tool and does continuous heavy loads and ideal for strapping in any position, the common complaint by industry experts is that it is way too heavy even when compared with tools like A482 and A480. It is being used in many industries because it provides great reliability and is long lasting.

At a time when many industries are switching over to battery operated tools, one has to say that the Fromm A483 is still holding on its own for the sheer capacity of work that it turns out. Its feed wheel is automatic and this eliminates some additional work by the user. Unlike its lighter counterpart the A480 which is lighter in weight, this tool cannot be moved about. That is the main difference between the two tools. Otherwise they are almost the same. The A480 weighs half of A483.

Some of the other steel strapping options are the battery strapping tools running on 18V Bosch batteries. And they also pull a lot of tension and perform about 300 cycles per charge. However, the A483 has a raised feed wheel and this helps very much when introducing steel straps. A disadvantage with the A483 is that there are air lines running all over the work area and this causes a lot of hindrance to the workers.

In order to operate the tool, the strap is placed one on top of the other. The upper strap is held with the left hand in order to ensure that it doesn’t get tangled with the sealing part of the tool. The right hand triggers the valve to begin the sealing process. Once the seal is applied the lever is released and the joint is checked. Even though this tool is quite large and heavy, it is the best tool for high tensile strapping.